
Cod modern warfare 2 remastered steam
Cod modern warfare 2 remastered steam

cod modern warfare 2 remastered steam cod modern warfare 2 remastered steam

Ghost has, of course, featured in several Call of Duty games you can currently buy on Steam - but not this modern Ghost. and the colours and highlights used to promote this year's game. In the background, we can see Simon "Ghost" Riley, sporting his updated Modern Warfare 2019 character design. As you’re about to see, however, the banner doesn't use the original Modern Warfare 2 art, it uses the refreshed 2021 look (thanks, Garysplay). More specifically, this art could be briefly seen when browsing the Call of Duty DLC page. Over on Reddit, user Kalinine spotted a suspicious banner promoting the Call of Duty franchise on Steam. So far, so business as usual, except for the fact that the game looks to be coming to Steam. In other words, official store pages do not yet exist. Modern Warfare 2 launches October 28, but pre-orders have yet to open up on any platform.

cod modern warfare 2 remastered steam

What this leak may have cast in doubt, however, is which storefront the new Call of Duty is going to be available for purchase on. When Activision recently announced Modern Warfare 2 as a sequel to 2019's game, the publisher did not confirm it for any particular platform.īut there's little chance the game is going to skip the PC. The Call of Duty series looks to be returning to Steam, at least if you choose to take this bizarre leak a certain way.

Cod modern warfare 2 remastered steam