
Diablo 4 developer update
Diablo 4 developer update

It’s the first new class for the Diablo series in nearly a decade, after the Crusader’s introduction in Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls.ĭiablo Immortal developers described the Blood Knight as a melee hybrid class that uses polearms for close combat. The Blood Knight will be the seventh playable class in Diablo Immortal, joining the Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Necromancer, and Wizard.

diablo 4 developer update diablo 4 developer update diablo 4 developer update

Blizzard will introduce a new class to the world of Diablo on July 13, bringing the Blood Knight to Diablo Immortal, the developer confirmed Thursday during a developer update livestream.

Diablo 4 developer update